Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework for 9/26- 9/27

For Homework tonight:

  1. Please revisit this site, and go to sections:
    • "What does global climate change mean?"
    • "What is the greenhouse effect?"
    • "How do we know the climate is changing?"
  2. Take Cornell style notes on these three sections.  Make sure you understand what a greenhouse gas is, and how that is different from the greenhouse effect.
  3. Look up "The Kyoto Protocol" - try to come up with a one to two sentence summary of what this is, and write it in your notes.
  4. Sign up for edmodo .  Use the group code: ne17t8
  5. Bring a digital video camera to school the next time we see each other.  This can be an iPhone, flip camera, or an actual digital video camera.  
  6. Print and bring the population data table that  I had you do for homework over the weekend.  Make sure the questions are answered.  You only need to print and bring Lesson 1, step 1 and 2.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Homework for 9/15 and 9/16

  1. HW – Make sure that the section 58 – 65  is read (pay close attention to birth and death rate, and population distribution)and answer numbers  1,2,3,4,5, and 7 on pg. 63  - Please answer these questions in your Notebook.  I will be checking this on Monday and Tuesday.
  2.  Watch this video and take notes Cornell Style in your notebooks.
  3. Go out into HCMC and take photos of "squatter settlements" here in your own city.  Post these photos to your blog.  Please do write down all your observations about the settlement in your Journal
  4. For block B - please watch this video as well, we will discuss it on Monday:
  5. Go outside and play!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Homework for 9/14/11

This is what I would like you to do for homework tonight:

  • Please do the population density calculations on page 62 in your book.  If you already did this in class, then you don't have to worry about it.  In addition to the countries listed in the book, please also do the calculations for China, India, and Vietnam.  You will have to look up the population and total area online before you can complete this.  
  •  Ask your parents/market vendor what they estimate rice cost in 2010, 2009, 2008 and today.  Ask them why they think the price of rice is rising.  
  • Please go to the following site and spend about 15 to 30 minutes exploring what it is:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Migration and Immigration

Homework for tonight and tomorrow:

  1. Read pages 66-71 (using active reading techniques)
  2. Go into HCMC and look for an area that has been effected by migration or immigration.  Take photos (3-4) of this area showing the effect that has taken place. 
  3. Post these photos on your blog with captions explaining how the area has been effected and what it is we are looking at.  
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or posting a comment on this blog.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homework over the weekend 9/1

Here is what is required of you over the weekend:

  1. Read pages 40-45
  2. Answer questions 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 in your notebooks.  I will check this along with your paragraph summaries from the previous section next time I see you.  
  3. Put the lyrics or a performance from your rap/poem or song on your personal blog.
  4. Know the differences between weather, climate, rotation, revolution, and define solstice and equinox.
  5. Go outside and play